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Monlau School: Technical training to succeed in the job market

The Monlau School is a study center specialized in the technical training of its students. It has two campuses, one in the Sagrera neighborhood and the other in the Bon Pastor neighborhood, and has a wide educational offer that includes ESO, baccalaureate, training courses, and languages.

Grow a little each year

The Monlau study center has two sites: the historic site, in the Sagrera neighborhood, and the new site, in the Bon Pastor neighborhood. The teachings with which it began, especially in the field of automotive and electronics, continue to be mainstays of the school, although other training courses in sectors such as tourism have been added, marketing or renewable energies, in addition to ESO. Its objective is to continue with a teaching task that has allowed thousands of students to develop their profession.

Qualified technicians and great professionals

The success of the Monlau School is due in large part to its teachers, who have extensive experience both in the field of teaching and in the professional field in which they teach classes. This allows students to have quality training that prepares them to function successfully in the labor market.

An educational offer in constant evolution

Since its inception, the Monlau School has offered education focused on the training of qualified technicians and has been expanding its educational offer over the years. In addition to traditional automotive and electronics teaching, the study center has incorporated new training in sectors such as tourism, marketing or renewable energy.

A school committed to the education of its students

The Monlau School is a study center committed to the training of its students. Its objective is to continue offering quality education that allows its students to develop their profession in the best possible way. For this reason, each year they strive to improve the quality of teaching and offer new training so that students can acquire the necessary skills to succeed in the labor market.

Monlau School: Technical training to succeed in the job market
Adress: C Monlau 6, la Sagrera, Sant Andreu
Phone number: 933408204
Website: Monlau School: Technical training to succeed in the job market

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